「城市,讓生活更美好」- 上海世界博覽會的宣傳口號。在北京短住數月,這個世博會口號在大街小巷都隨處可見,心裡暗自狐疑,到底,城市與美好生活能畫上等號嗎? when the ideology of modern life becomes a myth,
what a city can promise you...
a site-sensitive work created in Beijing
From a city with 6,217 inhabitants per square kilometer to the third most sparsely populated country in Europe, my initial goal is to explore the connection and possibilities of art and environment in Finland. It is my second year of studies in the MA in Environmental Art program at the University of Art and Design Helsinki. I appreciate the space here which has broadened both my physical and mental boundaries. Environmental Art for me is not merely about nature or landscape. Rather, its locus would be on the correlation between humans and the entities embracing us.
I am interested in examining the relationship of my existence with the surrounding environment. Most of my works are site specific and I like to use any found material. The works are reflections of my observations. It’s also my practice to use material from around the site I’m working on. Sometimes my works are so blended into the site or even hidden; it takes time for the viewers to identify them. The process of locating them is the key in engaging the viewers with my works.